Selection of locations of supervised properties around Berlin

Click on the red pins on the map above to get details about a few completed construction projects. A more detailed overview of the construction projects can be found under About Reference List.
If you have questions, do not hesitate to contact me.


Zoologischer Garten Berlin AG



Antilopen- und Giraffenhaus


Leda mit Schwan

Copyright: Courtesy of Zoo Berlin and Projekt-S2 GmbH

Gutshaus Neukladow

Meinekestrasse 25, Berlin

Thulestrasse 4, Berlin

Jagdschloss Glienicke


St. Josephs Stift, Potsdam

Königsalle, Berlin

Zoo Berlin Löwentor

Zoo Berlin Vogelhaus

Zoo Berlin Leda mit Schwan

Zoo Berlin Aquarium

Zoo Antilopen- und Giraffenhaus

Zoo Berlin Raubvogelvoliere

  • Mario Wichmann
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.